We went to the park and played, went to Pirate Island Pizza & played at the arcade, ate birthday cupcakes, opened presents from mom, dad, & brother, then finished the night by Bell's sleeping in her new BIG GIRL bed. She was sooo excited she kept squeaking... It was cute at the park Willie would go down the slide, then Isabella, she would almost always run right into her brother every time. She thought it was funny!! She played on her 4 wheeler & all I can say about that is STOP GO, STOP GO, STOP GO... Lets just say she doesn't pick up much speed because she lets go of the button.
We had family over from Nevada the following weekend. It was a really nice visit!! We had burgers, hotdogs, chips n dips. Isabella had a good ole time playing with her cousins. Little girls always find the makeup, just play makeup but they looked soo cute with rosy pink cheeks & glittery eyes. Isabella was sooo excited about her Princess Castle Cake & she loved everyone singing Happy Birthday to her. When someone would tell her Happy Birthday she would say "Happy Birthday to you." We all made it an all nighter my Uncle Danny & Linda got a room down the street & my cuz John & Gloria plus family spent the night. Misty & Eric stayed late & left for Vegas after a few games of cards & fun!! We really missed my youngest cuz Mickayla but she is on a softball team that plays in Cali & she had 6hrs of practice inwhich she does every Saturday!! We are all really proud of her they have a web site all the girls are promised to all kinds of colleges throughout the country its really cool!! Check it out
Well my PRINCESS is officially 3 years old & loving being a princess everyday!!