"SiLLy SoCkS"
now let's go back
Zion National Park
Me & Bells always way ahead of the boys..
Shark Reef Las Vegas
Just remembering the real ice they had in one section
Isabella kept licking it mmm yummy ice
My sis & me havin' fun at the Luxor
The Romero's at the Mandalay Bay Buffet

Willie & Xaden
Bella & Amorie
Best Buddies
Fishing at the Sweetwater in Wyoming
Look at the pros

Just like Dad..

The boys thinking what should I put in the campfire next..
Willie in front of Wilson Arch near Moab, Utah
Me & Will melting in the heat
At my cousins wedding in Colorado
Luciana, Mickayla, Me, Sam, & Misty

plus their 2 lil guys
Just another pit stop hadn't been there in years
Isabella loves the simplest things this turtle was a favorite
Summertime fun with my cousins John & Gloria
Fun times in Caliente, Nevada

Notice they close their eyes she doesn't take her eyes off her
blanky for a minute..
Anytime Isabella see's an airplane she still gets all excited..
It's GRANDMA Whoo Hoo!!